Posts Tagged ‘curso24’

The Ampelmann

Juni 23, 2013

curso_eg_reisejournalismus_erfahrungsbericht_2013Making crossing the road in East Berlin fun since 1961 this slightly tubby, hat-wearing man has come to be one of the leading symbols for the city. During the re-unification of Germany in the 90s the Ampelmann was replaced by the more traditional Western figures on traffic lights. However, huge resistance meant that he survives today as a representative of East Berlin culture on many traffic lights.
It’s fitting then that there should be shops dotted around the city dedicated completely to the man himself. Along with more traditional t-shirts and mugs adorned with the Ampelmann symbol there is also an array of products that celebrate him in more interesting ways. If you’re hungry you can snack on Ampelmann shaped pasta or gummy sweets. Bored? Why not pick up some Ampelmann playing cards or for anyone with particularly green fingers perhaps some Ampelmann seeds.
As could be predicted from such a touristy shop the products are slightly overpriced, with a simple mug setting you back around €6. However, gifts from this shop are a much more subtle and meaningful alternative to the brazen ‘I LOVE BERLIN’ designs that make up many other souvenir shops.
Team Curso/CTR Jess Astbury

Rosenthaler Strasse 40-41 / Alte Potsdamer Strasse 7 / Markgrafenstrasse 39 / Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 5.

Edinburgh Princes Street Gardens März 2012

März 28, 2012

Enjoy the gorgeous ambience of the city centre while having
a picnic in Princes Street Gardens. Doesn’t matter if it’s
the West or East part- it’s all surrounded by Edinburgh’s
old buildings and offers a panoramic view. Of course, the
weather must be kind of friendly for that, but contrary to
the prejudices, the city does offer more than just rainy days.

Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile and Princes Street are mentioned everywhere as
definitely must-see places.
If you manage a brief visit to all of them, it won’t take
very long. Edinburgh is also not a big city, and you can
walk comfortably to all the attractions.If you wish to visit the North Loch again, you’ll have to have a great imagination, because that loch, filled up with dunked witches, suicides and sewage, was transformed by time into the wonderful Princes Street Gardens.

Enjoy the crisp morning air in the Princes Street Gardens, once a lake called Nor Loch and now a fertile green area that separates the Old Town from the New Town. Walk towards the National Gallery of Scotland, a majestic sandstone building in which you will find masterpieces by prestigious artists like van Dyck and El Greco. On your way out, treat yourself to a good morning coffee or tea in the Scottish Café & Restaurant. They surely haven’t won «Best Customer Service of the Year» for no reason!

Praktikum Reisejournalismus in Edinburgh Alumni

April 15, 2011

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Projekte bleibt häufig ein beruflich und freundschaftlich bedeutendes Netzwerk zwischen den Teilnehmern miteinander und den Teilnehmern und den erfahrenen britischen Journalisten, Layoutern, Projektmanagern bestehen.

Mit einigen ausgewählten Teilnehmern setzen wir die Zusammenarbeit bei den zeitlich folgenden Projekten in Berlin, Edinburgh oder Madrid fort. Wir freuen uns, wenn wir zusätzlich über die Karriere-Fortschritte der Teilnehmer in den kreativen Industrien informiert werden.

Auf zwei aktuelle Erfolge möchten wir hier verweisen:

Süddeutsche Zeitung 2011

Frommers 2010

Redaktion Curso eG